No Hablo Espanol! – Football Abroad

With Christmas fast approaching, most people would be concentrating on Presents, mince pies and what size turkey they need to feed the 5,000 on the big day. Me & the missus however aren’t ‘most people’ and with a very trying year at work for me plus a hard 2nd year at Uni for her, we […]

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Lila Weisse & the Random Applause (Berlin Pt2) – Football Abroad

Despite the rather lacklustre events of the previous evening, I still awake with a somewhat foggy head. Although I can’t decide if that’s a response to having gone so long without a beer between dinner the previous evening and then entering a properly ropey Techno joint about 100 yards from our apartment, or the pounding […]

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At it like a Lidl Checkout Worker (Berlin Pt1) – Football Abroad

It’s 3AM on a Sunday morning and I’ve now been up for 24 hours. Lets just say that I’m very disappointed with what is currently being displayed on the old box before me. For years, since I was knee high to a bar stool, I was always impressed with the difference between what us Brits […]

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It’s the Minnows from the Rock! – Football Abroad

Shut up shut up SHUT UP! I don’t have the best relationship with my alarm clock as it is to be honest, but when the little cuboid bastard is waking me up at 5am on a Sunday morning with his shrill electronic banshee howl, my dislike for him reaches even greater hammer attack inducing levels. […]

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Every Breath You Take (Belgrade Pt3) – Football Abroad

In the first two parts of this Serbian odyssey, someone broke a camera, Juan became possibly the richest man in Belgrade, we drank beer, saw a lovely sunset, ate loads of top grub, saw no woman less than an 8, had a world class night out, broke into the ground of Serbia’s 3rd biggest football […]

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5-1 to the Sutton Boys! (Belgrade Pt2) – Football Abroad

In part one, Juan took you through the thrilling tale of a romantic sunset over beers, a tour at Partizan, nosing about at Red Star, meeting some nice Delije chaps and seeing enough silverware to give a Brasso salesman a raging hard on and thoughts of early retirement. Up next, it’s Dukey to run you […]

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Dobrodosli u Beograd (Belgrade Pt1) – Football Abroad

So, did we go to Serbia for four days? Did we drink a shed load of beers? Did we tour three of the biggest clubs in the Jelen Super Liga? Did we see a game of football? Did we all get out alive? We might have! By the way, the ‘all getting out alive’ bit […]

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Das Wetherspoons? – Football Abroad

The baton is handed to me and hopefully not like a British Olympic relay team I won’t drop it! Now let me see, by a twist of fate (and a loaded Euro coin!) I’ve been given the task of doing part deux of what has been known as “Bedlam in Belgium”. And as some of you […]

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No Ferrets Allowed! – Football Abroad

“Get the fuck out of London, you dumb fucks. Get to Bruges”. I didn’t even know where Bruges fucking was. For a while I’ve been trying to persuade the crew that taking in a game on foreign shores would be a great excuse to get away, have a few beers and take in some strange […]

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The Road to Schiphol – Football Abroad

Thursday 24th June 2004. England v Portugal in the European Championships quarter-final and the Three Lions latest predictable failure on penalties in a major international competition. Where were you for it? Some were actually there. Some may even claim they were (why?). Most no doubt watched it on TV. And if you’re one of those, you’re […]

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